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  • Writer's pictureMatt Fischer

"How was your day?": The wrong question to ask.

WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL! We are so excited to see all of the students and we hope their school year (and yours) has started off on a positive note. As we get back into the full swing of the school routine, it is important to stay up-to-date with your student concerning their daily schedules, grades and events. One way parents check in with their student is at the end of the day asking, “How was your day?” More often than not, parents find themselves a little frustrated with the minimal response given; “Fine,” “Ok,” “Good,” Bad.” Etc. Parents and students go through this routine almost day in and day out and we find out that even though the question is being asked, no real information is being given. So, change up the question a little bit! When the question is asked in a more open type manner, the students are almost “forced” to give more than a one word answer. “What was your favorite part of the day?” “Tell me what you were excited about the most” or “Tell me something you learned today that was new” are all examples of creating a more engaging conversation with your child. It will give you a chance to validate their feelings, learn more about them and even compare your school days to theirs. Setting up a communication routine like this will also allow the student to feel comfortable to talk to you when a “big issue” comes up in their lives.

So now, what will your after-school question be?

Mr. Fischer

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